Reliving sports history … One season at a time


Western League of the late 1890s

Western League of the late 1890s

1890s  ·  Executives  ·  Umps/Refs

Before its final incarnation of the late 1890s, the Western League existed in various forms.  In a meeting in Detroit,…


1934 Redskins dominated Pittsburgh

1934 Redskins dominated Pittsburgh

The NFL Boston Redskins and Pittsburgh Pirates (now the Pittsburgh Steelers) met twice in 1934, the Redskins shutting out…


Sheboygan Redskins Entered In 1941 Basketball Tournament

Sheboygan Redskins Entered In 1941 Basketball Tournament

1941  ·  Playoffs

The Sheboygan Redskins have again accepted the invitation to enter the World’s Championship Professional Basketball Tournament (WPBT) at the…
