Reliving sports history … One season at a time


Satchel Paige of The St. Louis Browns

Satchel Paige of The St. Louis Browns

1952  ·  Logos  ·  Uniforms

Satchel Paige of the St. Louis Browns Satchel Paige, after 21 years in the negro leagues, became oldest major…


Coach Lambeau hired by Chicago Cardinals

Coach Lambeau hired by Chicago Cardinals

1950  ·  Coaches

After resigning from the Packers, Coach Curly Lambeau filled the open head coach position of the Chicago Cardinals. In addition…


Sheboygan Redskins Entered In 1941 Basketball Tournament

Sheboygan Redskins Entered In 1941 Basketball Tournament

1941  ·  Playoffs

The Sheboygan Redskins have again accepted the invitation to enter the World’s Championship Professional Basketball Tournament (WPBT) at the…
