Reliving sports history … One season at a time


16 year old Babe Ruth

16 year old Babe Ruth

When George Herman Ruth Jr. turned 7 years old, he began attending St. Mary’s Industrial School for Boys. St.…


1934 Boston Redskins Team Photo

1934 Boston Redskins Team Photo

1934  ·  Coaches  ·  Uniforms

In their third season, the 1934 Boston Redskins, coached by Lone Star Dietz shown in the team photo holding…


Sheboygan Redskins Entered In 1941 Basketball Tournament

Sheboygan Redskins Entered In 1941 Basketball Tournament

1941  ·  Playoffs

The Sheboygan Redskins have again accepted the invitation to enter the World’s Championship Professional Basketball Tournament (WPBT) at the…
